This patch corrects a number of issues with Hitman Blood Money for PCs. It is intended for the English language version of Hitman Blood Money do not install this patch if you have a non-English version.Crash Fixes:.
Fixes crash when firing weapon on shaderquality medium on FX cards. Fixes lighting issues when running on shaderquality medium FX cards.
Added Shadermodel select to GFX Configuration application (if model is unsupported then defaults to High). “SliOverrde” command added to GFX Configuration application. Select this option to turn off autodetection of Sli as EnableSli command is now performed automatically if SLi hardware configuration detected. Soft shadows and hard shadows were incorrectly labelled in the Render Menu.
Installs msvcr71.dll in to application directory in case file is missing from system. Removed optimisation where character models were displayed in LOD3 when redrawn after leaving the screen.
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Fix to the low performance problems that have been experienced on some hardware configurations.